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LOPEC 2020 will not take place

Due to the increasing spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) in Europe and based on the recommendation of the Bavarian State Government for trade fairs, Messe München feels compelled to cancel LOPEC 2020 in responsibility for the health of exhibitors and visitors.

Information Coronavirus

Developments concerning Coronavirus closely monitored – Providing members specific information on legal and insurance-related issues.

Printed electronics in 3D: Ready for the mass market

Printed electronics in 3D, also known as 3D structural electronics, equip all kinds of objects with additional electronic functions. Lopec 2020 will provide information about production processes, applications and the potential of the technology.

Printed electronics: Foldable and rollable displays

In addition to new materials and machines for the printing of electrical components, market-ready applications are increasingly moving into focus. LOPEC 2020 shows the current state of research and development of foldable and rollable displays.

Portable electronics on and in the body

Printed electronics is revolutionizing medicine. LOPEC 2020 will present new developments from this area. A conversation with LOPEC plenary speaker John A. Rogers about monitoring systems and other flexible electronic devices.