- Numerous new products for various industries
- Competition promotes further development of flexible electronics
- Presentation and awarding of prizes take place digitally
From automotive to healthcare and everything in between: Companies and institutes from all around the globe submitted their latest products and demonstrators in the area of organic and printed electronics to the OE-A Competition 2020. Annually organized by OE-A (Organic and Printed Electronics Association), a working group within VDMA, this competition challenges the printed electronics industry.
This year the presentation and awarding of the OE-A Competition took place digitally due to the cancellation of LOPEC 2020. “Despite the Coronacrisis, OE-A wants to provide all participants visibility and especially the winners. We had a record number of participations in the competition this year”, says Dr Klaus Hecker, OE-A Managing Director. Once again this year, participants submitted numerous innovative products and technologies for the medical, consumer electronics and automotive industries, as well as packaging, wearables and smart buildings. “With the competition, we are promoting the further development of this future technology,” emphasizes Hecker. “The OE-A Competition motivates companies to think outside the box. This provides new impulses for the technological development of printed electronics as well as product design and shows users which products and concepts are in the pipeline.”
The jury, consisting of representatives from international companies and institutes, rated 22 submissions from 12 countries in three categories.
The winners of the OE-A Competition 2020 are:
- Best Prototype / New Product
ActiSense – Smart Footwear Sensor
IEE (Luxembourg)
- Best Freestyle Demonstrator
Flexible, Segmented OLED Panel
OLEDWorks (Germany)
- Best Publicly Funded Project Demonstrator
OPV Façade
Heliatek (Germany)

More information about the other participants of the competition as well as the winners can be found on the OE-A website. Next year, LOPEC visitors will be able to experience the products and demonstrators of the 2021 Competition live at LOPEC 2021 (March 23-25).
The OE-A Competition 2021 will start in May 2020. More information about the OE-A Competition can be found on our website.