Eurecat, Spain
Advanced sensing, lighting and communication technologies for HMIs.
Pulsar demonstrates the application of In Mold Electronics in a vehicle center console. Only 3mm thickness, this smart plastic surface presents an intuitive Humane Machine Interface (HMI) with seamless LED illumination and capacitive sensors, embedded in a monolithical device. The console includes a temperature slider, car mode slider (switch between eco, normal and sports car modes), emergency lights and light spears ( emergency light, guide light, dynamic feedback).
Purpose / Benefits
- More complex 3D-shaped electronics
- More design freedom, less components
- More durable electronics
- More increased functionality
- Less plastic, emissions

Organic & Printed Components
- Conductive path
- Printed interconnection
- Printed capacitive switch
- Printed dielectric / insulator
- Printed electrode
- Printed sensor (temperature, touch)
Target Group
- Automotive