The web-seminar Printed Electronics Insights: OE-A Competition 2022 – The winners took place on May 05, 2022.
The OE-A Competition supports companies and designers as well as young engineers and scientists to develop a vision of future applications in flexible, organic, and printed electronics. The submitted projects are rated in three categories by a jury of representatives from well-known international companies and institutes:
- Prototypes and New Products
- Freestyle Demonstrator
- Publicly Funded Project.
In this web-seminar a representative of every winning category will introduce its product driving forward the development of the Printed Electronics industry.
Important Information
Date: Thursday, May 05, 2022
Time: 15:30 – 17:00 (CEST)

Winner Prototypes & New Products
Sensing Leg Prosthesis
Tobias Meyer, IEE S.A., Luxembourg

Winner Freestyle Demonstrator and Public Choice Award
Smart Sensor Mat
Lars Rikken, Holst Centre, The Netherlands

Winner Publicly Funded Project Demonstrator
ECOtronics- Energy autonomous Temperature Logger
Liisa Hakola, Senior Scientist and Project Manager, VTT, Finland
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