Deadline overview
Submit your abstract and take an active part in LOPEC 2023. The deadline for your submission is September 30, 2022.
You have current business models, innovative developments, or research results from the field of printed electronics? Present them at the LOPEC Conference— February 28–March 2, 2023.
We invite you to actively contribute to the LOPEC Conference 2023. The Call for Papers opened on September 8, 2022, and the deadline for abstract submission is September 30, 2022.
The international platform for your topic
Being divided into different conference modules, the LOPEC Conference offers the right platform for every topic. Whether at the Business Conference, Technical Conference, or Scientific Conference—at LOPEC, your presentation will receive attention.
In addition to the oral presentations, LOPEC also offers a poster exhibition. This means that instead of giving a presentation, you can display the essential information on an A0 poster on both days of the exhibition. During the Poster Session on Wednesday, March 01, 2023, from 18:00 to 19:30, you can communicate with the event participants personally and answer any questions on the spot.
All approved speakers from industry or research will be eligible to purchase a reduced-price ticket (Academic Ticket). Participation as a speaker or poster presenter requires a valid conference ticket.