Fontys University, The Netherlands
This heatingsystemsaimtoimprove personal comfort. Theycanbeused in pillows and blanketsor at terraces, reducingtheneedfor traditional terraceheaters (powered on bio-ethanol). Indoors theycouldbeutilized in rollerblinds, toreducethecold draft fromwindows. The maininnovation, comparedtoexistingheatedpillows and blankets, isthe flexible printed electronics. Heatedrollerblinds do not existyet.
The aim of this project is to have an as low as possible power consumption to reduce the total amount of energy needed to be comfortable.
Using printing techniques, we can achieve very thin and flexible, large area electronics which use less power. These applications usually allow for roll-to-roll production, significantly reducing the overall cost.
- Large area
- Sustainability
- Low cost – no PTC ink needed
- Flexible
- Improve personal comfort

Organic & Printed Components
- Printed capacitive switch
- Printed heater
Target Group
- Consumer Electronics
- Smart Living