IMS Chips, Germany
Camera System with a thinned an hence flexible image sensor for curved applications.
Sample foils with integrated Image Sensors demonstrating IMS CHIPS Chip-Film Patch (CFP) with an optical window for image acquisition. Bending apparatus to show the ability to adapt the sensor to different field curvatures of lenses and curved objects. Image Sensor Foil connectable to a Camera System with Image Processing Software for inspection applications (not part of the demonstrator). Hybrid Integration of any type of silicon devices into a foil, totally bendable by thinning technology of the devices.
- Bendable Image Sensor integrated into a foil as a demonstrator for relatively big size silicon devices
- Possibility of integration in an autonomous and wireless sensor system with RF-Chip and high frequency antenna in one foil
- Adaptable to variable surface and image shapes

Organic & Printed Components
- Conductive path
- Hybrid systems-in-foil
- Organic dielectric
- Integrated silicon devices
Target Group
- Healthcare
- Maschine Industry