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OE-A Web-Seminar | Printed Electronics Insights: “Standardization for Printed Electronics”

Join our OE-A web seminar on “Standardization for Printed Electronics” to learn more about the importance of standards in your product innovation value chain, understand and navigate through the current international activities on PE standardization, and effectively use standards as a tool for your business and professional growth.

Standardization for Printed Electronics

  • Standards as your business tool
  • Printed and Flexible Electronics in context to standards, organizations, publications, work in progress
  • Standards in your innovation value chain
  • Standards in the product, manufacturing, and market value chain
  • What could you do and how you could do it?
  • What could be your next standardization activities?

Presented by Dr. Haridoss Sarma, IEEE Senior Member, Research and Technology Scout, GO 2 SCOUT 4 R&T, Canada

This web seminar is for OE-A members only. Contact María at for registration details.


Oct 12 2023


4:00 pm - 5:00 pm